[discussion] Popularity Contest Day 4!
Hey folks, Jod here with an announcement. Our dearly beloved 7th house has been voted off the island, and the shock of such an event sent Dulcinae and her Cavilier into a tailspin! They are being shuttled off to their home as we speak. Lets wish them both good health. Hopefully nothing happens on the ship...
Comment your LEAST favourite house and the comment with the highest upvotes wins!
Hey folks, Jod here with an announcement. Our dearly beloved 7th house has been voted off the island, and the shock of such an event sent Dulcinae and her Cavilier into a tailspin! They are being shuttled off to their home as we speak. Lets wish them both good health. Hopefully nothing happens on the ship...
Comment your LEAST favourite house and the comment with the highest upvotes wins!